Blood Meridian

Blood Meridian
Blood Meridian

 * Image created with using my XP-PEN drawing tablet

Under a gibbous moon horse and rider spanceled to their shadows on the snowblue ground and in each flare of lighting as the storm advanced those selfsame forms rearing with a terrible redundancy behind them like some third aspect of their presence hammered out black and wild upon the naked grounds.
Cormac McCarthy – Blood Meridian

While some consider Blood Meridian a difficult read, it is well worth the effort.  The novel is loosely based on events that took place on the Texas-Mexico border in the 1850s.  This epic novel follows “the Kid” on his extraordinary and often brutal journey that eventually lands him with the Glanton gang, a group of scalp hunters known for massacring Native Americans in the US-Mexico borderlands.  The novel is best described as – Vivid. Bleak. Brutal. Breathtaking. Poetry.   

If you are interested in a bleak, but slightly less violent novel, try the Road, also by Cormac McCarthy, for which he won the Pulitzer prize.

In the morning a urinecolored sun rose blearily through panes of dust on a dim world and without feature.
Cormac McCarthy – Blood Meridian

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